I explained what she has to do, but then I thought there may be others, who can't do it either. Why not, a couple of years ago I was also helpless with banners!
That's why I decided to post here this little guide I made for my friend Louise.
1. Easy: you have just insert your banner codes into right places, for example like on GotSafelist.

Banner name - for example Team Orangemoon.
Banner Image URL: for example http://teambanners.edforshaw.com/permanentom468x60.jpg
Destination URL: your referral link
and that's it. The banner will display normally on GotSafelist.
2. Advanced: put your banners up on your site, blog etc.
1) Open FireFox (or Internet Explorer, or whatever you're using).
2) Copy and paste your banner code to the browser and click "enter" to get the image.

3) Rightclick the banner and save it to your computer, (save as) into picture folder.
4) Sign up with Photobucket.
5) Upload the banner to Photobucket - on the pictures you'll see how I uploaded the pictures for the guide, it's the same with banners.
a) Upload Images & Video - choose files - from my computer

b) Find the right picture, click on it, then click "upload" on Photobucket. It may take some time until it's ready.

c) Add title. Description and tags aren't necessary. Save and continue.

6) Under the banner you'll see Photobucket links. In your case, we need "direct URL". Click on the text "direct URL", then rightclick, and choose "copy". Create a document for banner codes, paste it there and save.

7) Create your own banners. The usual code for banners is

I had to add it as an image too, otherwise it tried to create a banner immediately:-))
The changeable parts are bold.
For example, my Marketing Pond banner code is

Pasted into the blog it makes following result:

Alt text is good for search engines but not necessary. Next example is without:

and looks on Blogger like

Easy like 1-2-3, isn't? Good luck with banners, dear reader, and hundreds of referrals!