Sunday, June 8, 2008

How to create a payment proof

If you really want to promote something, it's sometimes benefitial to add a payment proof. There are so many sceptics nowdays. And much, much more cheaters!
About a year ago I tried to find a good payment proof creating tutorial, which would be understandable for everybody, incl. a newbie online like me. I failed. I did understand, though, I have to create a screenshot (what the heck is a screenshot?) and then I have to host it somewhere (for Heaven's sake, tell me, where!).
There was an additional problem with banners. There are sites which don't allow their members to use banner codes from their site because it eats their bandwidth. They are saying: "Please host the banner on your own webspace, thanks", or "Please download the banner you wish to use to your own webhosting to save our bandwidth," or even "You MUST download the following image and upload it to your web site to display the banner on your web site." Thanks so much, I would if you'd tell me HOW to do it!
OK, to make it short - I've found the solution on a forum of a PTC site. The site turned out to be a scam and doesn't exist anymore but the information I've got there was/is valuable enough to share it. In fact, creating a screenshot it's easy like 1-2-3.

1)Open the page you want to print, FE an e-mail from PayPal.
2)Press "Print Screen" on our keyboard. It's a button PrtSc/SysRq, and it's located on the top in the right corner.
3)Now open Paint - (Start>All Programs>Accessories>Paint). It may be some other image editing tool also but I'm always using Paint because it's so easy.
4)Either press "ctrl-v" or click "edit>Paste".
5)Adjust it the way you like, FE cover the personal information you do not want to be shown online, like your e-mail address etc., using a brush.
6)If ready, save the image by clicking "File>Save" or "ctrl-s" in My Documents>My Pictures.
7)Upload it to the web. There are many sites for free image hosting on the web. I've used Photobucket so far. Create an account, if you haven't one. Create an album, name it as you like, FE "Proofs", and then in "Upload Images&Video" pick "from my computer". Click "choose files". A new window will appear, where you'll see the pictures stored on your computer. When you click on the right picture it uploads automatically.
8)When ready, you'll see 4 URLs below your uploaded screenshot, incl. the direct URL and IMG code URL, and these both are exactly what you need. When you insert the direct URL on a forum or a website just add: "Click here to see the payment proof". You'll need it also when you're uploading banners somewhere.
For payment proofs people usually prefer the IMG code URL (will look like [img] [/img]) - it produces the picture.

Good luck with payment proofs and banners!